La Hispacon 2023 en Europa SF
La Hispacon 2023 en el portal Europa SF
ZARAGOZA, 8th-10th of September 2023
HispaCón brings together, under the supervision of the Spanish Association of Fantasy, Science Fiction and Terror (AEFCFT), fans, scholars and authors of the genres of science fiction, fantasy and horror.
HispaCón does not have a fixed headquarters, so the organization, of a mobile and rotating nature, is in charge of a group of partners who reside in the town of celebration.
In 2023, the festival will take place in Zaragoza on September 8, 9 and 10.
Pórtico (Spanish Association of Fantasy, Science Fiction and Terror) celebrates one more year its annual convention, HispaCón.
This year HispaCón is organized by the Tertulia Zaragozana (TerZa), a small group of nice people who meet once a month in Zaragoza to chat about literature, cinema and much more.
HispaCón is a friendly meeting full of activities around fantastic narratives in all genres (science fiction, fantasy, horror) and in all forms (literature, theater, cinema, music, video games, role-playing, board games...).
HispaCón combines more canonical activities such as workshops, round tables, demonstration games, projections and micro-theaters, as well as relaxed activities in which attendees and speakers can participate face to face in micro-story duels, an open microphone of poetry, horror monologues, etc.
During HispaCon, the Ordinary Assembly of the convention's association and the delivery of the Ignotus Awards, which are a benchmark in the genre, are also held.
This initiative is non-profit, understood as a celebration of fantastic narrative in a plural, diverse and safe environment.