"Dragon America" nueva serie de Mike Resnick

Se acaba de publicar en EEUU la nueva novela de Mike Resnick, primera de una serie, titulada Dragon America: Book one: Revolution. Se trata de una ucronía en la que especula con varintes alternativas de la historia de EEUU. Lo peculiar en este caso es que imagina que los dragones realmente existen, y numerosas especies viven en Norteamérica, desde pequeños ragones del tamaño de canarios hasta los célebres gigantes que emiten fuego. sí, en este primer libro, se cuenta la alternativa Guerra de la Independencia estadounidense, en la que por ejemplo George Washington ataca Cornwallis con dragones.
En Sf Site la califican de "novela divertida, ligerita, ideal para leer en la piscina durante el verano".
(fuente: SF Site)


Anónimo ha dicho que…
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Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Hello Noticias Ciencia Ficción Im looking for sites with information about plano carpet cleaning and found your site. Even though is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for plano carpet cleaning related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website plano carpet cleaning it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Hello Noticias Ciencia Ficción Im looking for sites with information about plano carpet cleaning and found your site. Even though is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for plano carpet cleaning related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website plano carpet cleaning it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Hi Noticias Ciencia Ficción
I was look at some different blogs to get an idea of how they work because I'am new at using blogs. Im glad I stoped at ur site I found it intersting thanks for read

I have a carpet cleaning blog at http://www.carpet-cleaning-dallas-allen-frisco-plano-texas.com

If you have any problem stains in Your carpet at home u can check out my carpet cleaning website for tips on carpet stain removal
At carpet cleaning allen site It pretty much covers carpet cleaning allen and related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Take Care And Thanks
Sterling Myers
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Hi Noticias Ciencia Ficción
I was look at some different blogs to get an idea of how they work because I'am new at using blogs. Im glad I stoped at ur site I found it intersting thanks for read

I have a carpet cleaning blog at http://www.carpet-cleaning-dallas-allen-frisco-plano-texas.com

If you have any problem stains in Your carpet at home u can check out my carpet cleaning website for tips on carpet stain removal
At carpet cleaning plano site It pretty much covers carpet cleaning plano and related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Take Care And Thanks
Sterling Myers
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Hi Noticias Ciencia Ficción
I was look at some different blogs to get an idea of how they work because I'am new at using blogs. Im glad I stoped at ur site I found it intersting thanks for read

I have a carpet cleaning blog at http://www.carpet-cleaning-dallas-allen-frisco-plano-texas.com

If you have any problem stains in Your carpet at home u can check out my carpet cleaning website for tips on carpet stain removal
At carpet cleaning dallas site It pretty much covers carpet cleaning dallas and related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Take Care And Thanks
Sterling Myers
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Hi Noticias Ciencia Ficción
I was look at some different blogs to get an idea of how they work because I'am new at using blogs. Im glad I stoped at ur site I found it intersting thanks for read

I have a carpet cleaning blog at http://www.carpet-cleaning-dallas-allen-frisco-plano-texas.com

If you have any problem stains in Your carpet at home u can check out my carpet cleaning website for tips on carpet stain removal
At carpet cleaning plano site It pretty much covers carpet cleaning plano and related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Take Care And Thanks
Sterling Myers
Anónimo ha dicho que…

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